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COVID-19 Distance Church Announcement

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,  who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”  (2 Corinthians 1:3-4, NIV)


Our Lutheran tradition teaches us that we receive God’s grace and comfort not only through the indwelling of Christ’s Spirit, the work of God’s Living Word in our lives, and by receiving the sacraments, but also through the comfort and encouragement we receive from each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.  In this time of uncertainty and anxiety from a public health threat, we are needed more than ever as Christ’s church for each other and for the world.  The Council and pastors of Lord of Love are committed to maintaining our contact, ministry, and fellowship with each other even though we may not be able to physically gather together.  Stay tuned for plans for gathering and sharing ministry electronically via the internet, phone, and print media.  We offer this prayer for ourselves and the world at this time:


“God of all comfort, our ever-present help in times of trouble, we call on you to encourage us and strengthen us as we face this outbreak.  Keep our members and communities safe.  Guide us as we seek to reach out in your Name to help the most vulnerable.  Console us with the knowledge that we are one in Jesus Christ, joined by your Spirit, even if we are physically separate, one in hope, one in love, one in mission.”


Welcome to the scenic hills and valleys of Northwest Illinois.

Our three Lutheran ELCA congregations invite you to share in the beauty of the countryside, the warmth of our worship, and the renewal of hope through Jesus Christ.



Meet Our Staff






See our individual calendars below for additional events!


Click Here for a Complete Calendar of Events

St. John's Lutheran Church

Trinity Lutheran Church



St. Paul Lutheran Church - Hanover, Illinois
St. John Lutheran Church


8315 S. Massbach Road

Elizabeth, Illinois 61028



Sunday Worship Schedule

9 am Traditional Worship

10 am Sunday School


Click here for directions.

St. Paul Lutheran Church - Hanover, Illinois
Trinity Lutheran Church


8393 S. Derinda Road

Elizabeth, Illinois 61028



Sunday Worship Schedule

9 am Traditional Worship & Sunday School


Click here for directions.

Today's Devotion


St John Lutheran Church - Elizabeth

Phone: 815-598-3367


Trinity Lutheran Church - Elizabeth

Phone: 815-598-3276


St Paul Lutheran Church - Hanover

Phone: 815-591-9970









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